
” Module for LMI_VGStoragePool class.


class openlmi.storage.LMI_VGStoragePool.LMI_VGStoragePool(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Provider of LMI_VGStoragePool.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]
cim_method_getsupportedsizerange(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Implements LMI_VGStoragePool.GetSupportedSizeRange() param_minimumvolumesize – The input parameter MinimumVolumeSize (type pywbem.Uint64)

The minimum size for a volume/pool in bytes.
param_maximumvolumesize – The input parameter MaximumVolumeSize (type pywbem.Uint64)
The maximum size for a volume/pool in bytes.
param_elementtype – The input parameter ElementType (type pywbem.Uint16 self.Values.GetSupportedSizeRange.ElementType)
The type of element for which supported size ranges are reported. The Thin Provision values are only supported when the Thin Provisioning Profile is supported; the resulting StorageVolues/LogicalDisk shall have ThinlyPprovisioned set to true.
param_volumesizedivisor – The input parameter VolumeSizeDivisor (type pywbem.Uint64)
A volume/pool size must be a multiple of this value which is specified in bytes.
param_goal – The input parameter Goal (type REF (pywbem.CIMInstanceName(classname=’CIM_StorageSetting’, ...))
The StorageSetting for which supported size ranges should be reported for.

Returns a two-tuple containing the return value (type pywbem.Uint32 self.Values.GetSupportedSizeRange) and a list of CIMParameter objects representing the output parameters

Output parameters: MinimumVolumeSize – (type pywbem.Uint64)

The minimum size for a volume/pool in bytes.
MaximumVolumeSize – (type pywbem.Uint64)
The maximum size for a volume/pool in bytes.
VolumeSizeDivisor – (type pywbem.Uint64)
A volume/pool size must be a multiple of this value which is specified in bytes.

Possible Errors: CIM_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED CIM_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER (including missing, duplicate,

unrecognized or otherwise incorrect parameters)
CIM_ERR_NOT_FOUND (the target CIM Class or instance does not
exist in the specified namespace)
CIM_ERR_METHOD_NOT_AVAILABLE (the CIM Server is unable to honor
the invocation request)

CIM_ERR_FAILED (some other unspecified error occurred)

cim_method_getsupportedsizes(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Implements LMI_VGStoragePool.GetSupportedSizes()

enum_instances(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Enumerate instances.

The WBEM operations EnumerateInstances and EnumerateInstanceNames are both mapped to this method. This method is a python generator

Keyword arguments: env – Provider Environment (pycimmb.ProviderEnvironment) model – A template of the pywbem.CIMInstances to be generated.

The properties of the model are already filtered according to the PropertyList from the request. Only properties present in the model need to be given values. If you prefer, you can always set all of the values, and the instance will be filtered for you.
keys_only – A boolean. True if only the key properties should be
set on the generated instances.

Possible Errors: CIM_ERR_FAILED (some other unspecified error occurred)

enumerate_settings(*args, **kwargs)[source]

This method returns iterable with all instances of LMI_*Setting as Setting instances.

get_associated_element_name(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Return CIMInstanceName of ManagedElement for ElementSettingData association for setting with given ID. Return None if no such ManagedElement exists.

get_device_for_name(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Returns Anaconda StorageDevice for given CIM InstanceName or None if no device is found.

get_instance(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Provider implementation of GetInstance intrinsic method. It fills all VGStoragePool properties.

get_name_for_device(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Returns CIM InstanceName for given Anaconda StorageDevice. None if no device is found.

get_setting_for_id(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Return Setting instance, which corresponds to LMI_*Setting with given InstanceID. Return None if there is no such instance.

Subclasses must override this method.

get_supported_setting_properties(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Return hash property_name -> constructor.
constructor is a function which takes string argument and returns CIM value. (i.e. pywbem.Uint16 or bool or string etc).

This hash will be passed to SettingProvider.__init__

provides_device(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Returns True, if this class is provider for given Anaconda StorageDevice class.

provides_name(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Returns True, if this class is provider for given CIM InstanceName.

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