
” Module for LMI_VGStorageCapabilities class.


class openlmi.storage.LMI_VGStorageCapabilities.LMI_VGStorageCapabilities(*args, **kwargs)[source]

LMI_VGStorageCapabilities provider implementation.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]
cim_method_createsetting(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Implements LMI_VGStorageCapabilities.CreateSetting()

Method to create and populate a StorageSetting instance from a StorageCapability instance. This removes the need to populate default settings and other settings in the context of each StorageCapabilities (which could be numerous). If the underlying instrumentation supports the StorageSettingWithHints subclass, then an instance of that class will be created instead.

cim_method_createvgstoragesetting(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Implements LMI_VGStorageCapabilities.CreateVGStorageSetting()

This method creates new instance of LMI_VGStorageSetting. Applications then do not need to calculate DataRedundancy, PackageRedundancy and ExtentStripeLength.

create_setting_for_capabilities(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Create LMI_VGStorageSetting for given capabilities. Return CIMInstanceName of the setting or raise CIMError on error.

enumerate_capabilities(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Return an iterable with all capabilities instances, i.e. dictionaries property_name -> value. If the capabilities are the default ones, it must have ‘_default’ as a property name.

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