.. _LMI-LVStorageSetting: LMI_LVStorageSetting -------------------- Class reference =============== Subclass of :ref:`LMI_StorageSetting ` This class defines characteristics of LMI_LVStorageExtent which is created or modified by CreateOrModifyElementFromStoragePool method in the LMI_StorageConfigurationService. Currently no properties are defined or supported, only simple Logical Volumes can be created. In future, this may be extended to support redundancy and stripping and thin volumes. Key properties ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | :ref:`InstanceID ` Local properties ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ *None* Local methods ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ *None* Inherited properties ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | ``uint64`` :ref:`InterconnectSpeed ` | ``uint16`` :ref:`InterconnectType ` | ``uint8`` :ref:`DeltaReservationGoal ` | ``uint16`` :ref:`DataRedundancyMin ` | ``uint16`` :ref:`UseReplicationBuffer ` | ``string`` :ref:`InstanceID ` | ``uint16`` :ref:`LowSpaceWarningThreshold ` | ``uint16`` :ref:`DiskType ` | ``boolean`` :ref:`NoSinglePointOfFailure ` | ``string`` :ref:`SubsystemID ` | ``string`` :ref:`Description ` | ``uint16`` :ref:`ParityLayout ` | ``uint16`` :ref:`DataOrganization ` | ``uint16`` :ref:`PackageRedundancyMax ` | ``uint64`` :ref:`UserDataStripeDepthMin ` | ``string`` :ref:`EmulatedDevice ` | ``uint16`` :ref:`CompressionRate ` | ``uint16`` :ref:`ThinProvisionedPoolType ` | ``uint16`` :ref:`FormFactorType ` | ``string`` :ref:`ConfigurationName ` | ``uint16`` :ref:`ExtentStripeLength ` | ``boolean`` :ref:`CompressedElement ` | ``string`` :ref:`CUImage ` | ``boolean`` :ref:`PersistentReplica ` | ``uint16`` :ref:`InitialSynchronization ` | ``uint16`` :ref:`Encryption ` | ``uint16`` :ref:`StorageExtentInitialUsage ` | ``uint16`` :ref:`ExtentStripeLengthMin ` | ``string`` :ref:`ElementName ` | ``uint64`` :ref:`ThinProvisionedInitialReserve ` | ``string`` :ref:`Caption ` | ``uint16`` :ref:`DataRedundancyGoal ` | ``uint16`` :ref:`PortType ` | ``boolean`` :ref:`IncrementalDeltas ` | ``uint16`` :ref:`StoragePoolInitialUsage ` | ``uint16`` :ref:`ReplicationPriority ` | ``uint16`` :ref:`ChangeableType ` | ``uint8`` :ref:`DeltaReservationMin ` | ``uint64`` :ref:`Generation ` | ``uint32`` :ref:`RPM ` | ``uint64`` :ref:`UserDataStripeDepthMax ` | ``uint64`` :ref:`SpaceLimit ` | ``uint16`` :ref:`SpaceLimitWarningThreshold ` | ``uint16`` :ref:`ExtentStripeLengthMax ` | ``uint16`` :ref:`PackageRedundancyGoal ` | ``uint8`` :ref:`DeltaReservationMax ` | ``uint16`` :ref:`DataRedundancyMax ` | ``uint64`` :ref:`UserDataStripeDepth ` | ``uint16`` :ref:`PackageRedundancyMin ` Inherited methods ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | :ref:`CloneSetting `